You may obtain copies of these documents at the Council of Government office in the jurisdiction in which the project is located or at:

North Carolina Department of Administration
State Environmental Review Clearinghouse
325 N. Salisbury St., 11th Floor
Raleigh, North Carolina 27603

Written comments regarding a proposed project must be received by the State Environmental Review Clearinghouse by the Review Close Date indicated on the project. Submit comments to:

North Carolina Department of Administration
State Environmental Review Clearinghouse
1301 Mail Service Center
Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1301

or [email protected]

Control NumberApplicantProject DescriptionDate ReceivedReview Close
25-E-0000-0133 Michael J. Smith Field Airport Proposed project is for the construction of two rows of three 60’x60’ Box Hangars and their associated taxilane, apron pavement infrastructure is also included as shown on the attached project location exhibit. The total area of disturbance with this project is approximately 4.5 acres. TBI Project #: 2112-2202

Location: Michael J. Smith Field Airport (East Hangar Taxilanes, Apron and Site Work project)
01/16/2025 02/17/2025
25-E-0000-0131 Rocky Mount-Wilson Airport Authority Proposed project is to construct one new 60’x60’ aircraft storage hangar in the existing corporate hangar area, just north of connector taxiway ‘D’ at the Rocky Mount-Wilson Airport, in Elm City, NC. This project will include site preparation consisting of a concrete apron in front of the hangar, an asphalt access drive with parking on the back side of the hangar, power supply and water and sanitary sewer service to the hangar. 01/16/2025 02/17/2025
25-E-0000-0132 Johnston County Airport Authority The Johnston County Airport Authority is proposing three development projects at the Johnston Regional Airport (JNX) which would be contained to the airport property. The three proposed projects are: Construction of a bypass taxiway connecting the Runway 3 end to parallel Taxiway A; Demolition of the turnaround taxiway near the midfield; and Construction of a hold apron on the Runway 21 end. 01/17/2025 02/18/2025
25-E-0000-0134 The City of Asheboro Proposed project to rehabilitate and preserve CASPN Homes at 945 S. Church Street, Asheboro, NC. Wainman Homes will lead the project in collaboration with the Asheboro Housing Authority. The project seeks to renovate an existing 50-unit elderly housing facility with a focus on energy efficiency and necessary updates without displacing current residents.

Link to project website:
01/17/2025 02/18/2025
25-E-4600-0136 North Carolina Department of Commerce Application of Fayetteville Public Works Commission for a Certificate of Public
Convenience and Necessity to Construct a 4 MW AC MW Solar Photovoltaic Generating
Facility in Cumberland County, North Carolina (NCUC Docket No. SP-12717 Sub 5)

The link to this docket on our website is:; type in “SP- 12717 Sub 5” to see all
filings in this docket, including the letter and update site plan map.
01/23/2025 02/24/2025
25-E-0000-0137 Town of Elkin The proposed project consists of the construction of a fire station. The facility will consist of an
office/rest area, emergency vehicle parking and associated paved parking areas and driveways. The project is proposed as part of the Town of Elkin's public safety plan.
01/24/2025 02/24/2025
25-E-0000-0138 Minzie Creek Sanitary District Proposed project is for the construction of a low-pressure grinder sewer system, replacement of a pump station, and new force main to pump collected wastewater from the Holiday Island area of Hertford, NC to the Albemarle Plantation Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP). Project includes construction of a new low pressure grinder pump system, pressure sewer line, a duplex submersible wastewater pump station and a new 6-inch force main. TWC No. 3520-B 01/24/2025 02/24/2025
25-E-0000-0139 Charlotte Douglas International Airport Proposed project is for the North General Aviation Campus Development project at Charlotte Douglas International Airport in Charlotte, NC. Runway 5/23 will be formally decommissioned in February 2025 and converted into a taxiway. The area designated for the hangar development is northeast of Runway 5/23, north of the existing GA hangar at 4620 1st Flight Drive Ramp, and connected to Taxiway M and Taxiway A. 01/24/2025 02/24/2025
25-E-4600-0140 Town of Vass Proposed project to construct a new sidewalk beginning at the Vass-Lakeview Elementary School and terminating at the western gate of the Sandy Ramey Keith Park on Holly Street. The new sidewalk will resume at the eastern gate of the park approaching the intersection of Carthage Road and US-1 BUS and will continue until East Maple Street in the Town of Vass.

01/29/2025 02/28/2025
25-E-0000-0141 NC Department of Agriculture Proposed project is for Proposed Spongy Moth Treatments. The NCDA&CS in cooperation with the United States Department of Agriculture, Forest Service (USDA-FS), the United States Department of Agriculture Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service, Plant Pest Quarantine (USDA-APHIS-PPQ), and the Slow the Spread Foundation, Inc. (STS) is considering courses of action in response to spongy moth infestations in North Carolina counties.

We would like to solicit public comment on the proposals. For maps and block descriptions, please refer to the following website:
01/31/2025 03/03/2025
25-E-0000-0142 Rockingham County Rockingham County is requesting a Program Amendment to transfer the remaining CDBG funds from the 20-V-3518 grant from Administration and Public Services to Pedestrian Improvements. The amendment will allow for the remaining grant funds to be used to provide 5500 linear feet of sidewalk and pedestrian improvements which will connect the Town of Mavodan downtown area to the Recreational Center. 01/31/2025 03/03/2025
25-E-0000-0143 Elkin Municipal Airport Proposed project is for an apron expansion for Elkin Municipal Airport (ZEF) on the west side of the existing terminal and apron area. The approximately 180-ft x 420-ft apron expansion will provide for additional tie down spaces and include site preparation (rough grading) north of the apron area to support future terminal building and hanger development. This project also proposes a partial parallel taxiway that will span from the existing apron connector taxiway to the Runway 7 end. 02/05/2025 03/07/2025
25-E-0000-0144 Rutherford County Airport Authority Proposed project for new safety fencing around the perimeter of Rutherford County Airport. Approximately ~11,000 feet of fence is proposed to alleviate the hazard of animal encroachment onto the runway and taxiways. 02/05/2025 03/07/2025
25-E-0000-0148 Siler City Municipal Airport Proposed project is for the construction of a full parallel servicing taxiway and apron reconfiguration at the Siler City Municipal Airport (SCR) located at 80 Aviation Drive, approximately 3 miles southwest of Siler City, in Chatham County, NC.
Project WA#8 SCR Parallel Taxiway
02/14/2025 03/09/2025
25-E-0000-0145 Balsam Edge Apartments FONSI/NOI-RROF for the construction of Balsam Edge Apartments project. Project will consist of 84 apartment units located at 333 Howell Mill Road, Waynesville, NC. This will include the installation of building foundations, streets, parking, underground utilities and utility connections which are activities that will involve ground disturbance.

Public viewing of this public notice, Adopted EA, and environmental review record is available online at under Affordable Housing Development Fund Program – Haywood County.
02/07/2025 03/10/2025
25-E-0000-0146 NC Housing Finance Agency Proposed project is for the construction of Windhill Apartments. The 8-acre site is being evaluated for the renovation of a multi-family residential development. The proposed project will consist of a 60-unit apartment community for low to moderate income families.

Parce PIN 7886-04-3330
02/07/2025 03/10/2025
25-E-0000-0147 NC Housing Finance Agency Proposed project is for the construction of The Villas at White Oak. The 5-acre site is being evaluated for the new construction of a multi-family residential development. The proposed project will consist of a 64-unit apartment community for low to moderate income families and mobility impaired individuals. Parcel PIN 1710991886.

02/12/2025 03/14/2025
25-E-0000-0149 Jackson County Airport Proposed project is for the acquisition of two (2) easements for improved access to existing obstruction lights located on mountain ridges near the Jackson County Airport (24A). 02/14/2025 03/17/2025
25-E-0000-0150 Piedmont Triad Regional Council Veterans View Intake Center Inc., Mocksville, NC, plans to provide transitional and permanent housing for veterans and intends to develop and put an addition to the property located at 1007 Howard Street in Mocksville, the thirty tiny homes as transitional and permanent housing for Veterans 02/14/2025 03/17/2025